Player 1 

  • A, D:  Swing the weapon anticlockwise or clockwise
  • W: Jump
  • S: Block

Player 2

  • ←,  →:  Swing the weapon anticlockwise or clockwise
  • ↑: Jump
  • ↓: Block

Tip: Block can reduce your opponent's damage when they attack you, but it will still increase your posture to a small extent. Press the block button just before your opponent hits you, and you will deflect the attack and bring up your opponent's posture to a large extent. If the posture meter reaches the max, the player will enter the weak state and cannot block, so the opponent can deal a death blow to the weak player. 

玩家 1

  • A, D:  旋转武器
  • W: 跳跃
  • S: 格挡

玩家 2

  • ←,  →:  旋转武器
  • ↑:跳跃
  • ↓: 格挡

提示:格挡可以减少对手攻击你时的伤害,但仍会小幅增加你的架势。 在对手击中你之前的瞬间按下格挡按钮,你会弹反对方攻击并大幅提升对手的架势。 如果架势达到最大值,玩家就会进入虚弱状态,无法格挡,这样对手就可以对虚弱的玩家造成致命一击。


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